
"Counting", collage on board, 2010. The first image in the "Murphys in Griffintown" series.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Love Gramma

"Gramma Guys"
Finally! Here is the finished "Gramma Guys"!  I started working on the next piece so quickly I forgot to upload a photo of GG.  I am so happy with how this piece turned out!  It is my favourite-of all the work I have ever done.  I believe it's the layers of patterns and the layered story behind it.
I found out today it's been selected for the Kingston Art Council's Juried Art Salon.  Very stiff competition with so many talented artists in town, so I was very pleased.
I've been pondering where in Kingston I should exhibit?  Projected images are a tricky thing I think.  I'm welcoming the opportunity to learn a new media.  I've not projected my images before.  The work is being shot by Kingston photographer Derek Cooper-Reproducing Art.  That allows me to project large-8feet without losing resolution.
This weekend is the Spring Kingston Art Tour-my studio Nelson Street Studio is participating.  Come by and take a look if you're local!